InSpiral Designs

Inspiral Designs is fictious website constucted to showcase all the Assignments completed during the Seneca Webmaster Content Design Program. For information about the designer, click About tab above. All images are borrowed from various sources through out the web, they're purely for educational purposes.

The Webmaster Content Design Program is a wonderful way to emerse yourself into a Web Design atmosphere. According to the instructors and a recent graduate, this coarse contains content that is 'Strict', and upon completion you will be writing code that is on the cutting edge and far more advanced than the majority of designers in the industry today.

If you have a passion or flair for Web Design this would be a fantastic experience for you. So have a look around, I hope visiting this site will be an enjoyable experience for you, as it was for me to build!

Dreamweaver: the one neat thing about this program aside from the fact that it will help you write Html easier, is you have the choice to just stick to coding manually, or use all the features of the interphase.

Please note we are now currently half way through this semester, so you will notice that a fair amount of the content is yet to be added, yes this will be a work in progress!